
Student Assessments

Assessments used to monitor student progress throughout the year include:

English Language Arts:

Fountas & Pinnell (F&P) for K-2, UTK in the spring only

FASTtrack Reading (FAST formative assessment) for 2nd-5th grades (3x per year in the fall, winter and spring)

English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) for all UTK-5th grade English Learners (spring)

CAASPP (California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress) for all 3d-5th grade students (spring)


CAASPP (California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress) for all 3d-5th grade students (spring)

FASTtrack Math (FAST formative assessment) for 2nd-5th grades (3x per year in the fall, winter and spring)

DEMI (District Essential Math Indicator)- Fall and Spring


FITNESSGRAM (physical fitness test)- 5th grade only in the spring

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